Ehm..i suppose this's the first posting because i deleted my last blog and subtitute it with this one.My last post is talking about guitar only,only guitar guitar and the human beeing i felt bored when i was writing about guitar and guitar..ehhmmm,,maybe i needed a refreshing,,so,because of that "problem" so i changes the name of my blog....i thought "what the hell of mylife "s the best to be my blog name.but...i think it's not suitable with me...hehheheehehe.........i seldom to use "special word" such as f**k,s**k,or go to hell..heheheh,,my mouth is very clean of all that word.
i'm still in senior high school of indonesian country,spesificly in palembang,the central city of south sumatera (it's name of distric in indonesian).It's a hard work to be selelected in this school.I had 3 tests to be selected.first,audition of report value,second,writing test,and the last is interview.oh yaa...i'm in the second year.yeah...the second test is a wonderful know what!i thought the questiong wasn't suitable with ability of junior high school student.(6 mouths ago i know the question actually for SPMB test,it's like selection for university).and the participant almost 1000 student...yeah,that's a little piece of my school.
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