Sunday, July 31, 2011

a gift for a love...

This is story of's an old story,happen several years ago..

He's just ordinary person like the others,the guy who trying to be nice to everyperson that he knows..But sometimes,a good will not always followed by a good feedback..

So this is the it carefully,and i hope you'll change your mind as suppose to be :)

It was a really warm night when he was wrapping that box with a beautiful paper special for the gift..He wondered about the expression of her beeing gave a present for her birthday..
They have been such a close friend for a year..So,i t,hink it's something normal when you give birthday present to your closefriend..Unfortunately,it's not her birthday..He was late about 5 or six months (and i think it's one of the cause of the probs then)...

Actually,they have some similarity with mystory about jimmy and monika before..When they're closefriend,and jimmy felt in love with monika,and (looks like) monika doesnt have a few feeling for him..

It's a beautiful morning when he's bringing that present happily,hoping her smile and wondering about her feeling then..(actually i helped him for wrapping the box),When he passed her by,wishing for the smile,the result is null...there's no smile,no say usual...

Something ain't right appear in his heart,normally when you bring that kinda big present as big as like that,people must ask who is it for,what's inside of it bla bla bla..but,maybe because it's something common that in the first sight of their meeting,no side of them say hello first..haha that's quite funny..

Is she know that it's for her?
will she throw this out in front of him when he gives it to her?

It's the words that appears in his mind minutes by minutes after..

3 hours later....

He already gave that present for her.saying that it's actually for her indirectly,he was really happy for that..flower and flower filling his heart up..:)

One day later....

It's 5 pm when he heard that she reject his present without open it first..he's so in misery,sad,angry and every bad thought crossing his's something normal for the human like us,when we JUST trying to make our friend happy,and they deny it...

I guess actually she's not trying to breakin his heart down..i guess she just trying to make it clear about their realtionship..she never wanted to be belongs to him,because maybe there's someone outside there better than him..I think she should explain the whole reason why she didn't accept that present..and she must have a reason for it..

For my beloved friend above,don't blame your anger to her....Because maybe she has the reason for it..
For the female should explain to my friend for your desicion clearly,so there's no missunderstanding after...

It's not something about a present,it's about heart,you can't blame her and saying it's mistake for rejecting it..Because in our life,there's always something we have no control...

And that's what destiny is.. :)

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Saturday, July 23, 2011

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What's The (Real) Definiton of Friend?

I just had some discussion with my friend.It's about the definiton of friend...I'm sure and gonna assure everyone that everybody (normally) have a friend in their life..

I take a definition of's really-really beautiful ..

what is friend?







Sometimes it's not like a fairytales that what we got and saw in reality.But it's the truth, sometimes you got that your friend doesn't listen,and never break any appointment for you.So?what's something we gotta do if we face someone (friend) like that,is it can't called as a friend?

I dont agree if it can't called friend.the truth is,we made the definiton of friend by ourself and for our self.No matter how they treat us,we have to stay "kind" and always beeing as a friend..

If we love our friend sincerely,no matter they love us or not,you'll feel easier facing the life. :)

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Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Still Loving you

It's 7 on the afternoon,20 july 2011
Mymind break back away to every moment in this day.It's really-really strange day.Not only because it's the last time i and myclassmath meet each other formally in the class,but also because something else.
I have some story of love of myfriend.And some story also belongs to me in my myfriend have been requested,i will write this story in bahasa indonesia.I'm really-really bad writing something in bahasa indonesia.Just ignore the "tata bahasa",,just read the story carefully..

I hope some of you will get something and change your mind as suppose to be..

Playlist saya pun berganti menjadi "pemuja rahasia"nya sheila on 7.Saya nikmati lirik demi lirik yang dilantunkan oleh "Duta".Ingatan saya melayang ke beberapa tahun yang lalu (mungkin 5 tahun yang lalu),ketika saya membantu seorang teman untuk melancarkan jalannya menuju hati yang terpuja.Namun,ketika itu banyak pikiran terlintas melintasi pikiran saya yang sekaligus mengacaukan dan menggoyahkan keinginan saya untuk membantu teman tersebut.

Apakah pengungkapan kepada sang terpuja yang akan melunturkan gelar "pemuja rahasia"nya ini adalah suatu hal yang tepat?

Mungkin bagi sebagian orang hal-hal kepemujaan kepada lawan jenis yang bersifat "hanya" rahasia ini akan kehilangan kesakralannya ketika diungkapkan,sebagian lagi pasti akan menunjukkan bahwa mereka berani mengungkapkannya dan secara frontal akan mengungkapkan kepada sang target..

Kedua pendapat itu sangat bisa diterima,namun pada kondisi-kondisi tertentu."Pemuja rahasia" mempunyai arti bahwa kepemujaannya yang bersifat rahasia,bukan eksistensi diri..
Bagaimana ketika sang terpuja adalah salah satu teman dekat sang pemuja yang tidak tergantikan?mungkin kita harus berpikir keras ketika akan mengungkapkan kepemujaan atas dirinya dalam kondisi tersebut..

Secarik pengalaman teman mungkin akan membuat kita berpikir kembali resiko resiko yang akan kita dapat ketika akan mengungkapkannya..Sebuah kisah antara (anggap saja) jimmy dan monika..

cH3ck 1T 0U7..
Pagi hari yang cerah ketika jimmy melirik alarm handphone,7.25 am.Ada hal yang berbeda pagi itu dibanding pagi biasanya,bukan karena ada 3 panggilan tidak terjawab di handphonenya pagi itu.Namun,suatu hal yang jauh lebih dalam yang tak tertandingi jika hanya dibandingkan dengan panggilan tak terjawab.

Jimmy 2 minggu yang lalu,seorang anak remaja biasa yang hidup di era modern ini mungkin tidak akan menyangka hal ini akan terjadi pada saat ini.Bukan karena hal ini memalukan bila dipandang orang lain,namun menjadi hal yang sangat memalukan bila hal ini kenyataan.

Pagi yang cerah diiringi suara percikan air mengiringi perjalanan yang dilakukan Jimmy setiap hari,menuju ke sekolah..Dengan mata yang kusut serta pakaian yang tidak teratur kedatangan Jimmy disambut oleh Monika,sahabat dekat Jimmy..Sebuah kerlingan mata serta secercah senyuman membuat perut Jimmy terasa jungkir balik.Dan dengan sebuah anggukan elegan menjawab senyuman itu,namun rasa penasaran atas perasaan jungkir baliknya isi perut Jimmy yang akan membuat hari-harinya kedepan berbeda.
it's never happened before..
Hari demi hari berlalu ketika Jimmy menyadari apa yang telah terjadi sesungguhnya dengan dirinya (perasaannya).Sebuah penolakan besar namun tidak bisa menandingi perasaan itu pun muncul dari benak Jimmy.Jimmy tidak akan pernah mau meninggalkan dan membuat sahabatnya dalam masalah,namun apakah ia akan sanggup melawan perasaannya yang kian membesar ketika dihadapkan dengan kenyataan bahwa Monika tidak bisa dimiliki...

Langkah demi langkah telah ter-analisis oleh Jimmy,ada 2 keputusan yang mungkin dapat diambilnya.Pertama,tetap menjalani hubungan seperti biasa,dengan resiko rasa di hatinya akan semakin membesar dan akan semakin menyiksa dirinya.Kedua,menjauhi sahabatnya dengan harapan perasaannya akan berkurang dan berkurang sehingga keadaan akan menjadi seperti biasa.
Beberapa teman dari Jimmy terus menerus menuntut jimmy untuk membuat keputusan yang ke-3,menyatakannya...

Cerita diatas adalah bagian dari cerita seorang Jimmy yang dilanda kegalauan tingkat tinggi ketika dihadapkan dengan perasaan terhadap seseorang yang tidak seharusnya dicintai.Jimmy dengan bijak memilih langkah ke2 untuk dipilih,dengan sangat-sangat terpaksa tanpa maksud dan tujuan yang tidak baik serta dihadapkan dengan resiko-resiko yang tinggi.

Monika,sebagai seorang sahabat dekat jimmy pasti akan bertanya-tanya ketika Jimmy menjauh dengan tiba-tiba.Salah satu usaha yang harus dilakukan Jimmy adalah menjelaskan apa yang terjadi secara tidak langung.Namun,ketika usaha tersebut gagal,akan sangat-sangat merusak hubungan persahabat mereka.Untuk itulah Jimmy dituntut untuk mampu menjelaskannya maksud "penjauhan" diri ini tanpa mengatakannya secara langsung.Sungguh bukan hal yang sangat mudah.Ketika akhirnya Jimmy menyadari bahwa pilihan ke-2 ini adalah merupakan suatu kesalahan (dengan indikator bahwa perasaannya justru semakin membesar),it's the real problem of it all...
Siang yang terik ketika Jimmy mencoba mengumpulkan keberanian untuk mengungkapkan eksistensi perasaannya.Dedauan bergerak dengan lincah tertiup angin seolah memberi semangat padanya untuk melakukan apa hal yang menurutnya telah dilakukan dari dahulu kala.

Dan pernyataan itu....
Kata demi kata telah terlontar menghujam hati Monika,seorang teman dekat yang dengan tiba-tiba menjauh dari kehidapannya dan tiba-tiba muncul dan menyatakan perasaan itu sangat cukup membuat jantungnya berdebar tak karuan.Itu bukan lah sebuah pertanyaan,namun hanya pernyataan cinta..Hari demi hari kecanggungan kian menjadi,mungkin bukan sebuah kondisi yang mereka berdua ingin kan,sebuah resiko yang harus ditanggung demi memberi efek lega terhadap perasaan Jimmy.Namun,justru memperburuk suasana-suasana yang diharapkan..

Mungkin kita bisa berkaca dari kisah Jimmy dan Monika itu.Kita tidak bisa menyalahkan apa yang dilakukan Jimmy,pada persoalan intinya adalah "Jimmy menginginkan suasasana seperti biasa,tanpa mengingat hal-hal yang telah terucap"..Namun mungkin itu bukan lah hal yang mudah bagi monika,disatu sisi dirinya sungguh ingin suasananya kembali seperti semula,disisi lain banyak faktor yang mempengaruhi keputusannya untuk semakin menjauh dari Jimmy..

Segala sesuatu yang dilakukan Jimmy adalah untuk memulai kembali,apa yang telah mereka lalui dahulu dan ia rela melakukan apapun juga untuk hal itu..karena disetiap langkah-langkah kehidupan Jimmy seterusnya,dan disetiap senyum keindahan dirinya masih tersimpan fakta bahwa Jimmy masih mencintai Monika...

Apa yang dilakukan Jimmy mungkin adalah suatu keputusan kecil dari segala keputusan yang akan dihadapinya sepanjang umurnya,namun satu kalimat sederhana yang belum terucap dari bibir Jimmy,dan sungguh sangat ingin diungkapkannya dengan segala kelembutan hatinya pada diri Monika.

Still loving you

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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Inspiring quote of 1K (part-1)

I have 37 wonderful friends in my class.Each of them have their own special ability.They're all extraordinary people.I dont wanna talk about academic ability,sometimes we can't count people as an extraordinary by (only) seeing their academic skill.I do also dont wanna talk about special ability like we seeing in heroes movie (people can fly,healing fast,telekinesis,etc).I just wanna talk about a simple miracle of human.It's heart.. :)

I often trying to understand all of their mind,not like matt parkman in heroes who can reading somebody's mind,i just trying to understand the way of thingking each of them.Lately,i just realize that it's something crazy and impossible to understand the whole of theirs.The problem that we have to face when we trying to ongoing and socialize is a difference.We came from different place,different culture,background,family,past and many more.

One of them told me their "feeling" about beeing in this class.He feel not really comfort beeing here.I just suggest him to doing as good as he can,just be your self,and the real point is you can't ask the others to understand your feeling,your unsuitableness and many more.But you have to miggle and understanding them.:) :) :)

On the other hand,while i can't keep trying to understand whole of them,i always "observe" their unique quote.Maybe they don't realize that their words are really inspiring,and their words are really change mylife.It's called Simple-miracle.LOL...

Okay this is 5 quote of 1K that really inspiring me.I dont say whose is it,or put the label of the name.
CH3cK 1t 0UT!

1."Every goodsystem (rule) is right and has a good purpose,but the human who carrying out that ruin it"
I was really surprice when he said something like that.Actually that quote is really common quote,but because he's really funny and childish,and when people like him saying something serious like that,it's really really weird.hahhahah.
But,as the time when he says that,i really felt ashamed.I never obey some rule made by junior,senior high school or even my college.That's why,really big thanks i dedicate to him.His simple quote really really change my viewpoint of system and rule..Thanks dude! :)

2."We've been beeing as a friend for so long time,what if we move on and being as a couple???"

Hahhahaa,stolid person saying something like that?it's really really funny.He told me about the day when he declare his love to her girlfriend.At the beginning i don't believe him that he used this quote to state his love.Why?because i don't really think that....... hahhaha (forget it).
Sometimes when we've been beeing as friend or a close friend,something called love appeared.

Is it a mistake or what?

I never agree if someone says that love is a mistake.Love is a grace,however when you fall in love with your own friend/close friend.Never avoid it.Harder you try to run from your feeling,harder you feel you need him/her.Because we can't destroy love.And it's our fate.. :)

3."The theory of economic is an
abstract subject,it's about human opinion,so you can't rate 0 (zero) in people opinion"
It's one of disappointment of the result that our class got in introductory economics subject.I really agree of that statement.Economic is an abstract,you can't give zero to somebody opinion,even when his opinion was wrong,at least just give some achivment..hhaha LOL

I was walking back to myroom when we had a talk about it.Lately,it's one of factor that really bring me down,i din't really feel upset looking the last result of mypaper.I just felt

beeing unappreciated seeing the crosses sign accrossing most of my answer.I write about 15 lines of the answer,and the teacher just cross it and give it zero.:)

But,it's a dynamic of life.Sometimes you're feeling happy,sometimes sad.God try to examine us so we can be better step by step.

The real man is the one who will rise up when he got stumble,how hard the obstacle he faces
4."Every good government wisdom must have negative consequence"

It can be right and it can be true.hahahhaha..(labil)..I told him about the fire burning under ampera bridge in palembang.I said it wasn't something accidental.Some people said government designed it to make it be a beautiful park,while some merchant/trader jazz up that location.

I do really agree that it's true,because there're some choice of life that have negative consequence,on the other hand we have to decide which one that we'll choose.


I do really agree (too) that it's wrong.Imagine how if we change just bend (not break) that statement..We find a way that negative consequence become something good (just like recycling the garbage)... :)
5."something small and simple will be a huge and wonderful thing,if it's you,who did it"

That's true...although it's subjective view,but however it's true.
He's the one who has a probs with the other of myfriend.It's something about "it".hahaa.

We can see in our daily activity.That's really happen.When we're beeing in home,look around,there're many of our love.Only their smile can change our mood.Something simple will change everything of the world.just like butterfly effect,

so although what we did is a simple or small thing,it can be wondeful thing for other people who love us.So,always think before you do something.Because maybe if you did a small thing that hurt our love,it can be really2 huge thing that hurt them.


It's 5 quote among 37 of mywonderful friends.It's really-really inspiring me.I hope there're many thing that you can take from it

Friend is everything,so while you have a chance to help or make them happy just do it.because we don't know maybe it's our last thing we can do for them. :)

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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

It's not a matter of duration

Sometimes love coming from the first sight,we can see that in movie,our surrounding or even it happen to our self... The way of fallin in love will not always guarantee the relationship will stay in very longtime..
Myclassmate said to me several days ago that "zik,it's not a matter of duration,everything is possible and that's something featuristic of love"
Deep inside of myheart does agree with that,not because it's something logical and i do accept that.But I did ever feel something about what he said.

there are some people say that "harder you try to get her,longer you will stay with her...

I do have some story as a proof it.Just because you try and keep chasing in long time,doesnt mean it will stay longer.

This is a part of short story about (err- just call him Da
vid and Sophie)...
check it out...

It's late of night when David try to send a text message to a girl...He got the number from his friend,saying that the girl is kind of beautiful and single.At the beginning,he just trying to introduce his self while hoping she'll reply the text...

"hi name is David,i got your number from your old friend.i hope we can be a good friend. -waiting for the reply while my heart keep beating harder- David.."

It's a short message that David send to her.He didn't know exactly why he did something like that,something embarrassing.He knew exactly that it's so useless.It's late of night and suddenly a stranger sending a weird message..

Minutes by minutes he waiting for the answer while he keep praying to the god that she will answer that message.But's totally something useless.The girl never send any message back to him in that night..That's really sad to say...:(

One week later

It's 9 PM when David just arrived in his home and stay laying in his bed thingking randomly..He heard a news about Liverpool in his old radio.His coverbed was intermilan,but the pillowcase was AC Milan,while he's actually Liverpool Fans Club.That's totally weird combination.David just playing guitar when the notification of message ringing from his phone.


Sophie send a reply of David message one week ago.That was a short message said "Hi David,i totally don't know who you're,but you looks good for beeing a good friend,sorry for making you waiting so long"

It's a middle of night when David preparing everyting for the first date and meet with sophie.After sending a short message one another for two weeks,finally it's for the first time he's gonna meet her.
There's no special feeling blushing in his heart,it just a common,friendship..But it changed when they're meet each other..
And that was the beginning of everything.Everything called Love...

It just a little part of David and Sophie story,something we can take from the story is even they just have a short contact as short as two weeks and it has been changed to love when they meet for the first time.Don't judge that just because they have a short oncoming of relationship and they relationship will not stay longer.

David and sophie finally make a promise to stay together as a couple two days after their first date and meet.It was a romantic days when they become a couple.It's 20th february 2007,Under the beautiful trees.It's truely something weird for them.They don't know exactly each other,and howcome they'll become a couple.And their relationship keep running well years by years while i write this story.

It's not a matter of duration.It's just a matter of how far and big you can love her.No matter how hard everystep of the day,if you love her sincerely you'll struggle for her.And you'll find your true love in the deepest of her heart.
You have a choice while the god provide it.And now,it's our responsibility to choose every choice of it,for our better future.

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Sunday, July 10, 2011

Both of them

it's late of night and myplaylist turn to "the man who can't be moved"...while i'm hearing every words of the lyric,mymind flying back one week ago..when myfriend "Andrew" and "Adrian" saw a beauty in tidung island... :)

I and myclass went to tidung island,it's one of the most beautiful island among the thousand's in the north of jakarta..It has really beautiful beach and nice air,looks like we can't get as beautiful as beach near of big city such as jakarta..

Every member of the class got their own experience..starting with "declaration of love",untill fallin in love him/her self friend..never thought that this "makrab" will lead to something like that...LOL..

differ to the others member,both of Andrew and Andrian got their own love when we're on the boat..
this is some andrew's #loveletter for her....

di ruangan kecil di dalam sebuah kapal kumuh berjam-jam,
teriknya sinar matahari yg langsung menyakiti wajahku.
Namun ku tetap bertahan, memandangi seorang gadis turunan cina berbaju biru itu.
Sementara Adrian tertarik kepada seorang gadis manis lucu berbaju abu-abu.
Bersandar di dinding kapal ku menatap gadis berbaju biru itu, walaupun lebih sering terlihat punggungnya saja, tapi sesekali dia menoleh kebelakang dan disitu pandangan kami bertemu.
kali dia menangkapku memandanginya, aku berpura-pura melihat kearah lain, begitupn dengan dia. Sekali kupejamkan mataku karena lelah, dan ketika ku membuka lagi mataku, rambutnya sudah terkuncir dan terlihat semakin cantik..

aku dan adrian bertekad mencari homestay dia dan rombongannya. Kami berdua menaruh barang di tempat 1K dan langsung berlari menuju persimpangan dimana kami dan rombongan itu berpisah, sayangnya kami kehilangan jejak.
Seluruh sudut pemukiman pulau tidung sudah kami jelajahi, tapi hasilnya nihil..
Saat BBQ dan olahraga pagi di pantai memberikan harapan utk mencari dia lagi, tapi dia tak ada disana.
Sampai harapan terakhir adalah ketika kembali berada di kapal menuju pulang. Ternyata cuma harapan kosong, dia tak ada di ferry, dan takkan ku temukan lagi..
Penyesalan mendalam kenapa hanya bisa terdiam kaku menatapnya dan tak menghampirinya. Sekarang kami tak akan bisa saling menatap lagi.. Dunia memang kejam, Waktu memang kejam
Potput pun juga kejam, Tidung.. Tidung.. Oh, pulau Tidung.. Hatiku (dan kunci kost ku) masih tertinggal disana..

It's some "hope" that written by andrew...their case is quite similar with "the man who can't be moved" story... it tells about the man that gonna stay for his love..although he just had a silhouette of that woman in his mind...

this is the full lyric of its..

The Man Who Can't Be Moved Lyrics

Going back to the corner where I first saw you,
Gonna camp in my sleeping bag I'm not gonna move,

Got some words on cardboard got your picture in my hand,
Saying if you see this girl can you tell her where I am,

Some try to hand me money they don't understand,
I'm not...broke I'm just a broken hearted man,

I know it makes no sense, but what else can I do,
How can I move on when I'm still in love with you...

Cos if one day you wake up and find that you're missing me,
And your heart starts to wonder where on this earth I can be
Thinking maybe you'll come back here to the place that we'd meet,
And you'd see me waiting for you on the corner of the street.

So I'm not moving...
I'm not moving.
Policeman says son you can't stay here,
I said there's someone I'm waiting for if it's a day, a month, a year,
Gotta stand my ground even if it rains or snows,

If she changes her mind this is the first place she will go.

Cos if one day you wake up and find that you're missing me,
And your heart starts to wonder where on this earth I can be,

Thinking maybe you'll come back here to the place that we'd meet,
And you'd see me waiting for you on the corner of the street.

So I'm not moving... I'm not moving.
I'm not moving... I'm not moving.

People talk about the guy
Who's waiting on a girl...
There are no holes in his shoes
But a big hole in his world...
and maybe I'll get famous as man who can't be moved,
And maybe you won't mean to but you'll see me on the news,
And you'll come running to the corner...
Cos you'll know it's just for you

I'm the man who can't be moved
I'm the man who can't be moved...

Cos if one day you wake up and find that you're missing me,
And your heart starts to wonder where on this earth I can be,
Thinking maybe you'll come back here to the place that we'd meet,
And you'd see me waiting for you on the corner of the street.

So I'm not moving... I'm not moving.
I'm not moving... I'm not moving.
Going back to the corner where I first saw you,
Gonna camp in my sleeping bag not I'm not gonna move

From both of that two story we can see the real power of love...everybody can do anything for their,once you got your love...don't ever let a thought crossing your mind about letting her go,or you'll be in regret forever...:)
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Sonnet 1

From fairest creatures we desire increase,
That thereby beauty's rose might never die,
But as the riper should by time decease,
His tender heir might bear his memory:
But thou, contracted to thine own bright eyes,
Feed'st thy light's flame with self-substantial fuel,
Making a famine where abundance lies,
Thyself thy foe, to thy sweet self too cruel.
Thou that art now the world's fresh ornament
And only herald to the gaudy spring,
Within thine own bud buriest thy content
And, tender churl, makest waste in niggarding.
Pity the world, or else this glutton be,
To eat the world's due, by the grave and thee.

It's shakespeare's..I don't know why lately,i have been trying to love shakespeare..
at first,i saw shakespeare words' declared in "i love you bethcooper" movie..from that moment i release that i need to read and learn all about shakespeare.I also read some fiction book that tell about shakespare's immortality,and live till now..

I felt really inconvenient in the beginning of understanding shakespeares'.He used many difficult and uncommon word,even the extinct :)

this is some analysist of mine,row by row... :) (correct me if i wrong)

1.from fairest creatures we desire increase..

fairest creatures
means all the (most) beautiful creature.fairest,sometimes people think the woird "fair" means honest etc,but the word "fair" also has a point as beautiful,magical,lightly..that's why "fairy" means something magical and beautiful..
and it also,developed to word fairytale (a fiction tale that usually tell about good and evil,witch and wizard etc)

it can be means as offspring or child..
So,in the first row it also means: every beautiful creature must want a child (offspring)

2.That thereby beauty's rose might never die..

Beauty's rose= something beauty,sometimes it assumed as the beauty of woman..
That's why that beauty will never die..(the beauty will stay forever)

3.But as the riper should by time decease.

Ripper=someone old..

But,when we're old,the beauty will slowly disappear by time

4.His tender heir might bear his memory


The heir,the young one bearing may has his memory...

5.But thou, contracted to thine own bright eyes

contracted to... eyes means in love with your self..

but you,fall in love with your self.

6.Feed'st thy light'st flame with self-substantial fuel

burn with love for yourself

7.Making a famine where abundance lies

famine . . . lies: depleting your own abundant beauty

Thyself thy foe, to thy sweet self too cruel

You are your own worst enemy

Thou that art now the world's fresh ornament Read More..